I apologize if this has been previously posted.
Professor Shimon Schocken published an article in the May, 2024 issue of ACM's
Communications of the ACM entitled "Nand to Tetris: Building a Modern Computer System from First Principles" in which he references a web-based simulation tool for HDL, the Hack CPU, the Hack Assembler, and the VM, along with several other useful tools. This collection of tools operates similarly to the installable tools available on the Nand2Tetris website. Schocken credits David Souther and Neta London with the development of these tools.
The link to the tools is obscurely buried in one of the footnotes:
http://bit.ly/3wNjeSuIf you don't want to deal with the hassle of loading the Nand2Tetris tool set on your computer, you might want to check this out.