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What's the most simple PC.hdl implementation?

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What's the most simple PC.hdl implementation?

User Name
At least as far as this HDL implementation goes, how simple and effective can the PC.hdl chip be? I've compared other solutions and they seem to much more than the 6 lines mine has.

I'm especially concerned about the Mux8Way (or maybe it was a DMux8Way, can't remember) because it feels a little bit excessive. They're HDL behemoths to me. I used to dread thinking about using them but then I got to chapter 4.

Thanks a Mux32Way64.
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Re: What's the most simple PC.hdl implementation?

User Name wrote
Thanks a Mux32Way64.
That's a lot of thanks!

If you email me your PC.hdl (proves that you wrote one) I'll send you several different implementations to look at.  Some simple, the shortest using 3 parts, and some strange ones using an ALU to compute the Register input value that I wrote as an intellectual exercise.

If you have or want to download Logisim (free) I can you those in a circuit file, too.
