What's wrong with my PC.hdl? When I draw the circuit out, it make sense to me.

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What's wrong with my PC.hdl? When I draw the circuit out, it make sense to me.

Doug Smith
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Here's my code:

*requested to edit out code*

Basically, the value coming out of the register is incremented, which is only accepted if inc is 1 (checked via Mux) which then goes through another Mux which may reset it, and then another Mux which may or may not write it depending on the value of load. Then whatever value came out of that (be it the changed value or the value coming from the old register) is put into the register.

What am I doing wrong?
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Re: What's wrong with my PC.hdl? When I draw the circuit out, it make sense to me.

Look at the pseudo-code description and check the priority of the various control signals.

Please edit you code to remove the mostly correct HDL. We'd like students to think this up by themselves.
