What should I read next when I finish this book?

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What should I read next when I finish this book?

I am dogmatic about finishing this book. But I will be somewhat sad when it's over. I've had it for a long time, spent many months away from it, even years, and come back to make my way through it. What could I read after this book? Needs to be similar in that it gets you working, and helps a sense of accomplishment. What would make sense to study after this?
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Re: What should I read next when I finish this book?

There is a book that I have somewhere that walks you through writing your own interpreter for a python-like language. It actually walks you through two different versions of it, reflecting two very different approaches.

Another book, but I don't know how useful it would be today, walked through building a full-up 8088-based computer, including board layout, that supported a floppy drive, keyboard, and monitor. It walked through the entire BIOS ROM code, explaining how each part of it worked. Of course, getting your hands on an 8088 today is easier said than done, but there might be files out there to configure an FPGA to emulate an 8088.