What to read next?

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What to read next?


The book so far (chapter 4) has been excellent. I'm a software developer, trying to learn more about the low-level programming, so I was wondering what would be an appropriate next book to read, along these same lines? My general interests are C and *nix, but those will have to wait a bit as I would first like to build a solid foundation in understanding how computers actually work: Operating systems, Hardware/Software Interface, Assembly language. Learning by doing a project is the best way to learn, at least for me, so if you know of any books with that approach, could you please let me know.

Thank you!
With regards
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Re: What to read next?

Unfortunately this thread didn't take :)
Let's give it another go:
 - are you familiar with any other books that are in this realm (computer architecture, operating systems, programming language construction) and that have a similar, hands-on approach?
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Re: What to read next?

I think there are a few posts on similar topics already. Here is one such thread for a specific book: http://nand2tetris-questions-and-answers-forum.32033.n3.nabble.com/A-good-complement-Code-by-Petzold-td114262.html

You can search the forum for more.
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Re: What to read next?

Thank you for your response. I just had a look at Code by Petzold. It's too early to say at this point, but at the first glance it looks to be a bit too high-level, more of an intro level book?

Plus I didn't notice it had a project-oriented hands-on approach. I really love books where the authors give you some initial building blocks and you build stuff on your own (that why I absolutely love TECS).
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Re: What to read next?

Well, it's not a replacement for Elements. But there are certain things that it manages to explain better, like the flip-flops, so it can serve as a companion book to Elements. I actually read Code first and loved it. I then stumbled on TECS while searching for more.

There's also But How Do It Know? but I haven't read it, so I don't know how good it is. Again it looks an entry level book.