Where to go from here.

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Where to go from here.

Brian Makin
Love this book and associated materials.  I really wish there was more however.
More advanced cpu design.  (pipelining/superscalar)
or perhaps extending the toolset.  Adding a simple timer to the hardware simulator would allow some education about better/worse hardware designs and their effects on the end processor speed.

Is there anyone working on and or interested in this?
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Re: Where to go from here.

My personal interests would steer me toward higher levels of abstraction: further development of the OS, the creation of a streamlined VM/CPUEmulator (for just running the programs, quicker than the provided emulators), and perhaps creating your own programming language rather than Jack.

Not just any language, but your own freaking awesome programming language.
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Re: Where to go from here.

Brian Makin
A good first step might just be a gui schematic capture tool.
soo many project!
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Re: Where to go from here.

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A good first step might just be a gui schematic capture tool.

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