Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

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Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

Hi! I've implemented the jack OS and understand there are some drawbacks of it e.g. graphic and memory operation being inefficient. But I don't understand why using my own Sys.vm would slow everything down a lot. Could anyone please give me some insights about it?

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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

Are you saying that it is slowing down when the only OS file that you are using of your own is Sys.vm?

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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

Yes. That's exactly what I mean.
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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

I don't know why it would slow it down a lot.

You might send me your Sys.jack file and I can take a quick look. No promises.
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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

Hi. I've emailed you. Please check out :)
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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

I haven't received anything -- you might resend.
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Re: Why using my own Sys.vm slows down programmes a lot?

In reply to this post by Azuuu
Possibly your implementation of Sys.wait() ?

If your Sys.wait() uses your Math.vm, it might interact differently to when you unit-tested your Sys.wait() with the built-in OS Math functions, so you may need to retune it.