Windows cannot open this file:

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Windows cannot open this file:

When I try to run from the command line, I get a pop window saying that Windows cannot open this file, and that Windows needs to know what program created it. Using the "web service" option to find the appropriate program simply returns "unknown." The only other option I see is to select a program from a list of programs installed on my computer, but I have no idea what program to look for.

I have never used the command line before, but I got the copy/paste directory idea I think from the mac thread about getting the compiler to run. Windows is finding the right file (, it just doesn't know what to do with it.
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Re: Windows cannot open this file:

You want to be using JackCompiler.bat on Windows.

See this post.

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Re: Windows cannot open this file:

This post was updated on .
On the command line, is it then

jc path_to_program_folder ?

Example: jc C:\nand2tetris\projects\09\Square

This does cause the .bat to run, but it immediately closes like it does when double clicking the file from the Windows folder. Also, no .vm files are created after running. I do have the OS .vm files in the folder, and I am trying to compile the Square program to learn to use the compiler before writing a jack program.

I believe I was also getting the same results from using

C:\nand2tetris\tools\JackCompiler C:\nand2tetris\projects\09\Square
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Re: Windows cannot open this file:

Thank you, I'm not sure what happened exactly, but I have gotten it to work now by making the directory match the last example given above. I will use that and try it again with shortcuts later. Thank you for your help.