Woo! Got it!

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Woo! Got it!

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I initially decided on Python but part way through that implementation I gave up on it due to unfamiliarity with the language.  Felt more comfortable in C/C++ because that's my coding background.

I'm about 1/8 of the way through Pong.asm conversion using the supplied Assembler.sh and everything is comparing fine, just fine.  I used quite a few of the standard libraries to get it done and only used one class for it which handles everything, basically it's just a secondary main with an excuse to have global variables :)  Not at all an OO approach.
Here is the main():

 int main(int argc, char** argv)
        if(argc > 1)
                for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
                        Parser tmp(argv[i]);
                std::cout << "Usage:\tAssembler filename1.asm filename2.asm <...> filenameN.asm" << std::endl;
                return 0;
        return 0;

The declaration of Parser.h:
 class Parser
                bool hasMoreCommands();
                void advance_command();
                void init_variables();
                const char* out_rename(char*);
                std::ifstream in_asm;
                std::ofstream out_hack;
                bool second_pass;
                std::string cur_command;
                unsigned int com_pos, var_inc;
                std::multimap<std::string, unsigned int> mmap_com_pos;
                std::multimap<std::string, std::bitset<16> > mmap_constants, mmap_jump,
                        mmap_comp, mmap_dest;
                std::map<std::string, unsigned int> map_var_loc;
                std::bitset<16> c_comp, to_write;

A whole lot of optimisation could be done, but I'll save it for a rainier day than this.  I'm just pleased it was successful.  Came in at about 240-260 lines of code and 10 includes from the standard libraries.

Send me an E-Mail and I'll send you the full code if you'd be so kind and send me yours as well.

EDIT:  D'OH!  Well, I did the fast translation and hit a snag on the symbol "@ponggame.0" which translated in my code to A-Instruction 0x0000.  The hunt is on for this bug :)

EDIT2:  All is well.  I had constructed an 'if' on my second pass that would store a variable name on first encounter (when it wasn't a L-command) but would not send it to be written.  Easy enough to miss easy enough to fix.  Now fast compare works flawlessly.