about the book and course

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about the book and course

I recently bought the book on the nand2tetris site . And it tells me i can get everything i need on some college site and when i went to go to that site it brought me to nand2tetris So my question is now that i got the book where on the site do i get everything I need to do the course. Is the lectures and tutorials and projects and everything in the download with the software suite . Or is it seperate and in what order am i suppose to do this stuff . Book first then the lecture stuff or lecture first
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Re: about the book and course

The homepage for the book is http://www.nand2tetris.org, start there.

Select "Software" on the left side menu and follow the instructions under Download. This gets you all the tools and files for the projects.

Select "Course" on the left side menu to get the lecture slides.

You probably want to read the chapter then read the slides. Refer back to both as you do the project.
