book chapters missing

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book chapters missing

When I open the projects page of the website all the chapters past 6 (so 7,8,9,10,11,12) the book chapters are missing. The image is still there, but it's greyed out and there's no link. Does anyone know why that is. I have talked to some others, and they also have this issue. Thanks.
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Re: book chapters missing

MythicSword wrote
When I open the projects page of the website all the chapters past 6 (so 7,8,9,10,11,12) the book chapters are missing. The image is still there, but it's greyed out and there's no link. Does anyone know why that is. I have talked to some others, and they also have this issue. Thanks.
It's quite intentional -- they would like people to buy the book. So they don't make the entire book available for free, but making half the book (which means all of Part I) available for free is a LOT more than most authors of most texts do.

It used to explain this somewhere on the site (I think in the Book like), but that apparently got removed during an update at some point.