dealing with negative variables

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dealing with negative variables

lets say we are dealing with an expression and transfering it to xml.  What is the correct version 1 or 2?  I don't really see it said anywhere in the book.

expression is "-foo"

(Version 1)
        <symbol> - </symbol>
        <identifier> foo </identifier>

(version 2)
    <symbol> - </symbol>
        <identifier> foo </identifier>
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Re: dealing with negative variables

The - symbol before an identifier is a unary op. See the pages in the book with the tables listing the rules of the Jack grammar.
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Re: dealing with negative variables

Well, sir, I understand that it is indeed an unary operator.  I do not see any XML in the book showing how unary operators are being handled.

Luckily I was able to find an example of the "~" operator in the SquareGame.XML file .
And to answer my own question:

expression of "-foo"

        <symbol> ~ </symbol>
            <identifier> foo </identifier>