At least I can tell you what language it is -- it's English, shifted 1 place:
Joqvuqjot Pvuqvuqjot IEM
Inputpins Outputpins HDL
Ofx tdsjqumpbefe; L;]Vutbw]Oboe'up'ufusjt]oboe3ufusjt]qspkfdut]12]Opu/utu
New scriptloaded: K:\Utsav\Nand_to_tetris\nand2tetris\projects\01\Not.tst
It looks like you have a smashed font. Other than that this looks like the Hardware Simulator should just after loading Not.tst.
What OS are you running?
What version of Java?
Are the window titles screwed up before you load the test script, or only after trying to run the script?
Try running the CPU Emulator and the VM Emulator. Do they show the same font problem?