Your RAM4K passes the test when run on my system using the built-in RAM512. This indicates that the problem is in either your RAM512 or RAM64.
The best way to debug this is to create a test subdirectory and copy just RAM512.hdl, .tst, and .cmp into it and make sure that it passes the test on your system. Next copy RAM512.hdl into the test subdirectory and rerun the test. If the test still passes, the problem must be in RAM64.hdl. (These should be the only HLD files that are in the project/03/2 directory.)
Note that passing test files does not guarantee that the tested chips are 100% correct, only that there is a very good chance that they are.
Read appendix section A.5.3 about buses. You don't need to do all the sel[n]=address[n] and sel[n]=address[n] connections. There is a syntax to connect a sub-bus to a bus with a single "=". This will save lots of typing, and greatly reduce the chance for a typo that may be causing a subtle error that is not being detected by the test scripts.
Also, please edit your post to remove the HDL since it is working code.