This looks like homework, so I won't be giving you solutions 8-).
First, read this
Introduction to Hack Assembly Language.
It works best when writing asm to include your pseudocode in comments. You first line,
j = 5
needs to set a memory variable 'j' to 5. The Hack assembler assigns unique RAM addresses to symbols referenced in '@' commands that are not program labels, so this is simply
// j = 5
@5 // puts the constant 5 into A register
D=A // puts the constant 5 into D register
@j // puts RAM address of j in A register
M=D // writes D register to RAM[A]
// for(i=1; i<5; i++) {
Once you get more comfortable with Hack asm, you won't want to put line-by-line detail comments in like the above sample, but they may be helpful at first.
For flow control code like for/if/while, rewrite you pseudocode using only if..goto since that's the only thing that the Hack CPU understands at the ASM level. For problem 1, that becomes something like
// Problem 1
j = 5
i = 1
if i >= 5 goto BREAK
End your asm programs with an infinite loop so that the program does not run wild.