more thinking related to RAM8

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more thinking related to RAM8

As we all know, we can achieve RAM8 by inputting the address we want to store. But if I don't want to input the address myself, which means the first number will be stored automatically in the 0 position and the second number will be stored automatically in the 1 position without inputting the address. So, how can I achieve this, do I need to write some chips myself? Thank you.
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Re: more thinking related to RAM8

Think about how the ROM and the PC chips work together to do something very similar, except for reading instead of writing.

You can easily build a circuit that combines a RAM chip with a counter chip such that every time you strobe the write line it does just want you say, namely loads the current value at the inputs into the current address and then advances the counter to the next address.
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Re: more thinking related to RAM8

One more question is the load problem. If I wrote some codes and can not be loaded in the Hardware Simulator(I click to load that file, but the screen looks like there is no file in), how can I recognize where the bug is.
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Re: more thinking related to RAM8

I need more information. The problem might be with the file you are trying to load, where the file is located, or how you are trying to load it.
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Re: more thinking related to RAM8

I wrote like this:
RAM8(in=in, load=load, address=addressbegin, out=out); //move the address to another position
PC(in=false, load=load, inc=inc,reset=false, out=addressbegin); //just used as a counter

But I was thinking that I may just put one value in? If I want to put 8 values in RAM8, should I do this 8 times?
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Re: more thinking related to RAM8

You will need a reset signal that can reset the PC chip. Otherwise you will have no idea what address you are reading from or writing to.

What does your interface to this chip look like?

You have this 'load' signal (is it coming from the outside) going to both the RAM8 and the PC load inputs. Think about whether that will do what you want.