my problem with Windows 7?

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my problem with Windows 7?

Hi All,

Due to the crash of my Windows XP machine, I'm again trying to get the nand2tet software running on my "new" Windows 7 desktop.  I have downloaded the Windows 7, 32 bit (I think) package.  It resides in a folder ("nand2tetris) in my "documents" folder.  Here is a screen shot of the "Tools" folder:

When I click on the "Assembler", "HardwareSimulator", etc. the little black DOS window opens for a split second and disappears again.

Can anyone please advise me what I'm doing wrong.  I'd soooo much rather be "hitting my head" against the nand2tet project, instead of Windows 7.


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Re: my problem with Windows 7?

I was hoping a Windows 7 user would respond. Alas, nobody has.

Under XP I created a folder on my desktop and dragged shortcuts from the Nand2Tetris/tools folder into that desktop folder and verified that the "Start in" directory was the Nand2Tetris/tools directory.

There have also been some reports of problems with the CLASSPATH environment variable not being set. Search the forum for "CLASSPATH".

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Re: my problem with Windows 7?

In reply to this post by mike2549
Open a command prompt window, cd to that directory, and invoke the command from the command line. Any error messages printed will stay there. If you can't figure out the problem from the message post the message here.