n-bit DMux

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n-bit DMux

Can a DMux take an n-bit input? For example, if a 16-bit number is passed along with a control bit, will the DMux send the 16-bit number to one of the two paths?

I tried to use this in an attempt to create the nx operation in project two, but get the error, "in(1) and out(16) have different bus widths". So, it would seem that a DMux (or a DMuxnWay) can only take an input size of 1 bit. Could someone clear this up for me?

Thank you.
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Re: n-bit DMux

Read the definitions of the parts.

The DMux part as a 1-bit data input, a 1-bit select input, and two 1-bit data outputs.

Why are you trying to DMux a 16-bit value in relation to producing the nx output of the ALU?
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Re: n-bit DMux

Thanks for the response. You are right that the DMux is only designed to take 1-bit inputs. I decided to make my own 16-bit DMux in order to complete my implementation of the ALU, specifically the negation part. Fortunately it worked, so I have no further questions. Thanks again.

To anyone that might be interested in the future, I used 16 1-bit DMux's to make the 16-bit one.
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Re: n-bit DMux

There's certainly many ways to implement a logic design and, especially for this project, all that is required is that it work correctly from a functional standpoint. So if your solution does that, then it's good enough and you can call it good and move on. But it sounds like you are likely going about things in a very inefficient manner (which, again, is good enough). So if you would like to discuss it to learn how you might do it "better", then we can certainly do so. Your call.