nand2tetris part 3

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nand2tetris part 3

Are there stilll plans in releasing nand2tetris part 3, as Shimon says in unit 7.3 More Fun to Go ?
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Re: nand2tetris part 3

trogne wrote
Are there stilll plans in releasing nand2tetris part 3, as Shimon says in unit 7.3 More Fun to Go ?
I don't see where any plans to do that were stated. What is the "unit 7.3" you are talking about? In the text, Section 7.3 is the implementation of the first part of the VM translator. The "More Fun to Go" is the title of Chapter 13, which is just trying to plant seeds for ideas that individuals can explore on their own (or that instructors might consider incorporating into their courses).

If you could provide a more specific reference to where Shimon is saying something like this, I will gladly take a look, but I am not aware of there ever being any plans to formally do a Part 3.
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Re: nand2tetris part 3

At the very end of nand2tetris part 2, in video 7.3, the instructor says this, regarding implementing the Hack computer on an FPGA board:

"Now the good news is that one of our colleagues, Dr. Danny Sidner, who is a very gifted teacher and engineer, has already done all this. And so together with Danny we're now working on a new course that teaches how to build the Hack computer. And for that matter, any other computer, using real hardware. So at some point in the future, we'll offer this new course, Nand to Tetris Part III, I guess, in which you will learn how to build computers using atoms rather than bits. So, as you see we haven't said the final word yet."

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Re: nand2tetris part 3

Is this video part of the Coursera course? One of the resources on the nand2tetris website?

I have no idea what the status of that effort might be. I hope something comes to pass, but it is not uncommon for interesting efforts to be planned and even started and for them to end up not going anywhere. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
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Re: nand2tetris part 3

Yes, if you go online to Coursera and look at the videos for nand2tetris part 2, that’s where the video is.  Each video is transcribed, too, which is why I was able to copy and paste what was spoken in that excerpt.