CHIP test
IN a, b;
OUT x, out;
Not(in=x, out=out);
"In HDL file C:\...\test.hdl, Line 6, Can't connect gates output pin to part"
This message comes from the "in=x" connection in the Not gate. You cannot take a pin that is declared in the OUT statement and hook it to a part input.
If you have unclocked feedback you will get the message "This chip has a circle in its parts connections".
How did you solve this problem in your Bit.hdl? The output of the DFF is connected to a Mux input.
(In case you missed it, you can have more than one "out=" connection on a part. Some people don't see this and end up using extra Not gates to get an internal signal that can be used for feedback:
DFF(... out=muxIn);
Not(in=muxIn, out=notOut);
Not(in=notOut, out=out);
rather than
DFF(... out=muxIn, out=out);
If you are doing all this and still having problems, feel free to email me your ALU and I'll let you know what I see.