liangke wrote
I donwload in
The projects06's pong and rect can't run.
In the rect.asm.the code is :
it jump to end from start.
Rect.asm is the source to the Rect.hack test program from project 5. It expects ram[0] to contain a number that specifies the number of lines to draw. If you want to run it on its own, without a .tst file, you need to set RAM[0] manually before running it.
I just assembled Pong.asm and loaded and ran Pong.hack in the CPUEmulator. It ran for me. Be sure to set no animation and fast, and still be patient. It can take a while before anything appears.
I used the supplied Assembler to make Pong.cmp, etc. files so that I could test my assembler's results using a visual diff program like Windiff.