question about the project7 on coursera

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question about the project7 on coursera

I have passed all the test on my PC about the project7.
But when I submit my to coursera, the error message is like bellow.
error message

I really don't understand the meaning of "Problems while executing the translated StaticTest.asm program - end of line expected, '/' is found". And it also replied "cat: /grader/tests/p7/project/StaticTest/StaticTest.out: No such file or directory". I think it is your grader ability to create the StaticTest.out file.

Anybody can tell me how to fix this error?

Looking forward your reply.

Best wishes.
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Re: question about the project7 on coursera

This forum is not part of the coursera course and this question is too specific for their system, so you should ask there. I'm not sure where is their forum, so you'll have to find it.

Have fun doing this great course!
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Re: question about the project7 on coursera

Thanks for your reply.
I should ask this question coursera forums