re: ALU-Basic, Desktop IDE scrolling, jarfile

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re: ALU-Basic, Desktop IDE scrolling, jarfile

I finally figured out how to implement an ALU hdl file, but I ran into several problems in the nand2tetris environment while working through it.  I searched posts for help with the problems, but did not find answers, so I'm asking about those issues here.  I'm sorry if I overlooked the answers, and again, I did get my ALU working so it's not critical to me anymore, but I'm curious about these things:

When I run the online interactive IDE, I can load a test file named ALU-Basic.tst, but it will not run because it does not contain these lines:
load ALU-basic.hdl,
output-file ALU-basic.out,
compare-to ALU-basic.cmp,

The IDE says it is a read-only editor, and I cannot edit the file in the IDE.  I can create the test file in another editor, but I cannot get the IDE to navigate to the other folder where I put my corrected test file.  Indeed, I cannot find where the IDE keeps its test files, so I can't get it to load mine.

Hence, I tired working with the Desktop IDE.  I could load my ALU-Basic.tst file, but I had the same problem that many other people had, not being able to scroll the IDE windows horizontally.  I saw posts with purported solutions, but when I tried to follow this link from a post:
my browser can't find that site.

I saw comments about modifying HackGUI.jar, but when I double click on it, my Java (v1.8.0_431) on Windows 11 says "Invalid or corrupt jarfile".

If anyone has any suggestions that might bring me some closure on these questions ;) I'd be happy to hear them, thanks!
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Re: re: ALU-Basic, Desktop IDE scrolling, jarfile

I'm not sure what your problem is related to. But at least I can help with a fixed forum link:

A few years back, the forum was moved to another server. Links can be fixed by appending the part behind the slash to

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Re: re: ALU-Basic test file

Thank you for the link correction.  I realize that my original post wasn't focused.  If I may, I'd like to refine my question to the ALU-basic test file in the online IDE.  I cannot get it to execute, and I believe that's because it is missing some lines in the script.  All of the other chip test files work for me.

ALU-Basic.tst script won't run for me the way it is.  Although I was able to get my ALU chip working, this issue made troubleshooting more difficult, so I'm asking about it in case there are other students running into the same problem.

Can you confirm whether the online ALU-Basic.tst script runs a test?  (I've attempted to upload a copy of the ALU-Basic.tst script that loads in the online IDE.  Not sure if I did that correctly.)

Thanks again.
