read all .jack files in python

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read all .jack files in python

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I tried looking online but I don't understand how to load all .jack files from a directory. I want to do something like:

for ('*.jack') in (path):
    jackFile = open('.jack', r)

Please help me understand how to do this. Thank you
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Re: read all .jack files in python

Here's a quick example of reading a directory and filtering for file extension.
% cat d:/tmp/

import os
dir_name = '.'      # ( should use argument from command line)
for file_name in os.listdir(dir_name):
    if file_name[-5:] == '.jack':
        out_name = file_name[:-5] + '.vm'
        print(file_name, '->', out_name)

% d:/tmp/
Main.jack -> Main.vm
Square.jack -> Square.vm
SquareGame.jack -> SquareGame.vm
% ls
Main.jack  OS\         Square.hack  Square.lst  SquareGame.jack
Main.vm    Square.asm  Square.jack  Square.vm   SquareGame.vm
(For code that is intended to be cross-platform portable you should use the os.path functions that know about OS specific file naming conventions.)

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Re: read all .jack files in python

OK i programmed that. when i try to open(filename, 'rU') and filename in this case would be "Main.jack" i get

File "", line 6, in <module> class JackTokenizer:
File "", line 19, in JackTokenizer jackFile = open(file, 'rU') filenotfounderror: [Errno 2] no such file or directory: "Main.jack"

but it is there. I can see it. it is in the nand2tetris folder under projects\10\arraytest
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Re: read all .jack files in python

My guess is that the "current working directory" is wrong. Try adding
to see where it is.

How are you running your Python program?

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Re: read all .jack files in python

i use the command prompt and move to the directory of my Then i use the command python and it interprets my code from there
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Re: read all .jack files in python

so i added the print os.getcwd and it prints the directory 1 folder out of where i am aiming. meaning:

C:\users\schuylab\desktop\nand2tetris\projects\10\ArrayTest is where I am trying to navigate to
C:\users\schuylab\desktop\nand2tetris\projects\10               is what prints
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Re: read all .jack files in python

You need to pass the directory name into listdir, as in
    dir_name = 'ArrayTest'

My example was listing files in the current directory (the "." in dir_name='.')

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Re: read all .jack files in python

this is what I have

        print ('please enter a file or directory path.')
        path = input()
        for file in os.listdir(path):
                if file[-5:]=='.jack':

I thouth input() was a cmd command

so in my case path = C:\users\.....\10\ArrayTest
but only C:\...\10 prints