running built-functions from command line ???

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running built-functions from command line ???

Is there is a way to avoid , copying all missing system VM files to the directory, when running from the command line  - it is very slow, and causing bugs.

I wish to run the testers from the command line, but I don't know how to let the VMEmulator use built-in functions in this mode.


Is there is a way to run the
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Re: running built-functions from command line ???

I don't think there is a way to do that. But you can do the following: copy all the OS .vm files once in a designated directory, then put the .jack files you want to develop/test there and compile them. The jack compiler will override original ones with your versions.

You can create a simple shell/batch script to automate that if you wish.
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Re: running built-functions from command line ???

Thanks, but I have already used that solution.
Its much slower, and is causing some unexpected errors
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Re: running built-functions from command line ???

What errors are you seeing?

Your OS .vm files should be able to work interchangeably with the supplied .vm files or with the built-in classes.

Two things that may cause problems:
  o  If one of your OS classes requires an init() function that the supplied/built-in Sys class doesn't call.
  o  If your OS classes have different initialization order requirement than the supplied classes.

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Re: running built-functions from command line ???

I agree with you, but in my previous courses, some students reported that my command-line tester failed, while doing it with the built in classes worked.
And another thing is the time - there is a significant change - built in classes are much faster.

I thought that I might change the source code, and try to make an automatic built-in usage.

Are any of you one of the software developers? I would love to get an hint on what is the easiest way to do it
