Help on String.int2String
Posted by pikachu on
Here is my current code for String.int2String:
function String int2String(int n) {
var int lastDigit, i;
var String output, tmp;
var int c;
if (n < 0) {
let output =;
let output = output.appendChar(45);
let tmp = String.int2String(-n);
let i = 0;
while (i < tmp.length()) {
let output = output.appendChar(tmp[i]);
} else {
let lastDigit = n - (n / 10 * 10);
let c = n + 48;
if (n < 10) {
let output =;
} else {
let output = String.int2String(n / 10);
let output = output.appendChar(c);
return output;
I've tested this, and an input of 12345 gives a string like (ascii integers): 49|60|[other numbers over 1000], and I don't know why and fixing it proves difficult.