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Re: Problems understanding Hardware/Software interface

Posted by WBahn on Mar 25, 2019; 5:31pm
URL: http://nand2tetris-questions-and-answers-forum.52.s1.nabble.com/Problems-understanding-Hardware-Software-interface-tp4032625p4033033.html

As a general rule, it's best to adhere to a "one topic per thread" rule, as the thread contents tends to become all jumbled as people respond to different parts, often without knowing that it contains multiple topics.

So why don't you copy this new stuff into a new thread and, after you've done that, I'll try to respond.

Oh, and I'm assuming that these 'units' you are referring to are video lecturers? Where are they located? Coursera? Or someplace else? If possible, could you provide a link to them? Keep in mind that this Q&A forum is really a separate entity from the rest of the N2T universe (or perhaps more appropriate to say that it is off in its own neck of the galaxy).