After trying several approached in last 7 hours I was hoping that this solution might work. I thought that if output from two tables Jump bit tables and ALU output tables are both true then this would pass the HW simulator test. But alas this did not happen. The test failed only after few lines.
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with following approach and if there is another direction that I should head to in search of right implementation. I tried all I could think of and nothing worked.
Or(a=instruction[2], b=instruction[1], out=J1ORJ2);
Or(a=J1ORJ2, b=instruction[0], out=outJTable);
Or(a=outZero, b=outNegative, out=NegativeORZero);
Or(a=NegativeORZero, b=instruction[0], out=outALUOutputsTable);
And(a=outJTable, b=outALUOutputsTable, out=Jump);
At the time of failure Jump bit seems to be 1.