which one of these Sys.vm file should be used for NestedCall test?

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which one of these Sys.vm file should be used for NestedCall test?


I have two versions of Sys.vm files and wondering which one of the two attached one should I be using for NestedCall tests?

My VM translator failing both of them anyway. So I know that fault lies somewhere in my program though I dont know yet where. The small assembly functions, when run seperately,  seem to save and retrieve state and set pointers correctly but in the overall program they output wrong values in the end.


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Re: which one of these Sys.vm file should be used for NestedCall test?

kraftwerk1611 wrote

I have two versions of Sys.vm files and wondering which one of the two attached one should I be using for NestedCall tests?
The longer version with the comments looks current, but If you have old files, I wouldn't trust any of them since Sys.vm needs to match NestedCall.tst and NestedCall.cmp.

This post has the latest files (as of 2017/01/26) for the NestedCall test.
