why just stack?

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why just stack?

I totally know stack is a great data structure to compute things and deal with workflow.
but when u mentioned stack I was wondering if there is another great data structure which could also cope with  the whole Virtual machine .

in ur book, page 153, u said that 'In any Great Gems in CS contest, stack processing will be a strong finalist'
However, u didn't mention other finalists.

hope u could mention other finalists and then compare with the stack processing!!!

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Re: why just stack?

Please don't use text-speak.

I can't speak for the authors (who very seldom participate in the forums), but I reckon that the reason they didn't mention any other gems is because they were merely trying to emphasize the impact and importance of the stack data structure. They weren't talking about any real Great Gems in CS contest, merely stating that in any such contest that it would be hard to image stack processing as not being in the running for the top prize regardless of what else might be entered.

The first thing that would come to my mind as another top contender would be stored-program computing. It's actually much more powerful than stack processing, but for problems that can be solved with stack processing, the solutions tend to be much more elegant going that route and the incorporation of stack processing as a component of stored-program computing is a huge step forward in practical computing.