Alternatives to running the batch files

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Alternatives to running the batch files

Hello there! I am going through this course on a computer issued by my school district. Due to this, I cannot access the command line as it has been disabled by the administrator. As a consequence of this, I cannot run batch files either. I was wondering if it would be possible to compile the various programs used in the course into stand alone Java applications instead.
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Re: Alternatives to running the batch files

Hi. I have made some minor modifications to the tools, including making the jar files executable. I hope it will work for you.

You can find it here:
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Re: Alternatives to running the batch files

I tried running the Hardware Simulator JAR file located in the bin folder, and it opened a window for a split second before closing. I don't know what's wrong XC
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Re: Alternatives to running the batch files

Try to move the HardwareSimulator.jar file from n2t-software-suite/bin to n2t-software-suite and run it again. The same should work for the other tools as well.
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Re: Alternatives to running the batch files

Thank you! Runs beautifully! <3