Assembler in MS Excel

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Assembler in MS Excel

I have no sufficient grasp in any programming language to program the assembler. So I converted an excel sheet to an assembler using excel formulae only I can import data from a text file or paste it directly to a column and the next column will give the binary code. Tested the ping pong program and the comparison succeeded. - Manu
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Re: Assembler in MS Excel

So I taught myself python in the last week and completed assembler. It was great to see my program converting Pong.asm to Pong.hack in a matter of seconds. Proceeding to chapter 7.
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Re: Assembler in MS Excel

Awesome! Keep it up.
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Re: Assembler in MS Excel

In reply to this post by manu
This is the coolest use of Excel I've heard of! Great job.