Can't load hdl file

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Can't load hdl file

I am trying to load And.hdl file, I am clicking the icon/via menu, choosing the file, but the code is not loaded.
In addition I have tried to load the script first, and then I hope the command load And.hdl will load the file, but it didn't
My file code is
// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name:  projects/00/And.hdl

 * And gate: out = A And b

        IN a, b;
        OUT out;
        Nand(a = a,b = b,out = x);
        Not(in = x, out = out)

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Re: Can't load hdl file

zachi wrote
I am trying to load And.hdl file, I am clicking the icon/via menu, choosing the file, but the code is not loaded.
In addition I have tried to load the script first, and then I hope the command load And.hdl will load the file, but it didn't
My file code is
Look at the bottom of the Hardware Simulator window. You are getting an error message "...Line14, Keyword expected". Line 14 is the "Nand(...". You are missing a required keyword after the "OUT" line.

Please edit your post to remove the source code once you have solved your problem.
