Can't read full error message

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Can't read full error message

Duane Yaiser
In the hardware simulator, whenever I get an error message for mistakes in my code (marked in red at the bottom) the statement more often than not gets cutoff by the window in the program. I've tried resizing, other "view" settings, etc., but nothing's worked and I'm sure the extra details would be helpful or at least speed me up if I can see the full message. Is there a way to see the full message or a different means to access it?
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Re: Can't read full error message

You can run the Hardware Simulator from command line (cmd.exe / terminal).
% cat And.hdl
CHIP And {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    // Put your code here:
    Nand(a=a, b=b, put=out);    // A common typo I make 8-(
% HardwareSimulator And.tst
In HDL file D:\TECS\projects\test\And.hdl, Line 7, put is not a pin in Nand: loa
d And.hdl

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Re: Can't read full error message

Duane Yaiser
Thank you so much, it's very appreciated!
