Can't run software. Details inside.

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Can't run software. Details inside.

So I've downloaded JRE and confirmed the latest version by testing it on the Java website "Do I have Java?" page.

I also downloaded the latest Nand2Tetris 2.5 software and extracted it to my desktop.

When I try to open any of the tools, I get an error message that pops up and disappears quickly. It reads: 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.

What should I do? Do I need JDK or to move my files into some other folder? I am running Windows 8. Thanks!
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Re: Can't run software. Details inside.

You probably just need to add the location of java.exe to your PATH environment variable.


Post back if you are still stuck.
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Re: Can't run software. Details inside.

Got it! Thanks, that video was really helpful!