Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

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Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

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I'm sorry, this question has been asked, but none of their solutions have yielded me anything. I'm simply trying to start the first project by building the Not gate, but no matter what I try it tells me that NAND isn't in the working or built in folders. I wouldn't expect it to be in the working folder, but it is in the builtin. If it matters, I'm working in Linux.

Here's my code, if you think it's relevant.
CHIP Not {
    IN in;
    OUT out;

    // Put your code here:
    NAND (a=in, b=in, out=out);

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

It sounds like a path issue (or, with linux, perhaps a permissions issue?).
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Re: Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

I can't see how it could be a path issue, I've left their folder structure essentially untouched. The only thing I did was move it from my Downloads folder to my Desktop.
With regards to permissions, I gave everyone read and write permissions to be on the safe side, and made the builtin Nand.hdl and Nand.class executable as a program, but to no avail :/
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Re: Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

In reply to this post by ofz23182
I found the source of the problem. Somehow the builtin had been corrupted. The problem existed between the keyboard and the chair. wiping and re-extracting solved it.  
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Re: Chip NAND is not found in the working and builtin folders

Glad you got it resolved and can move forward. Good luck and enjoy the journey.