I am building the memory chip and I have used the built-in RAM16K as a part , for some reason the Hardware simulator keeps throwing the error "In HDL file c:\...\nand2tetris\tools\builtInChips\RAM16k.hdl line 17 Chip name doesn't match the HDL name."
This is the code from the Memory.hdl that I have built
CHIP Memory {
IN in[16], load, address[15];
OUT out[16];
DMux(in=load, sel=address[0], a=m, b=io);
Screen(in=in, load=io, address=address[2..14], out=outs);
Mux16(a=outs, b=outk, sel=address[1], out=outio);
Mux16(a=outm, b=outio, sel=address[0], out=out);
Does anyone understand what causes this problem?
Thanks for taking the time to read this post, and sorry for any english errros.