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Chip out is not found in the working and built in folders

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Chip out is not found in the working and built in folders

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When I try to load a modified .hdl using the Hardware Simulator from /projects/01, I get an error saying "chip out is not found in the working and built in folders." I can load an unmodified file without error, and I can load a file that I have added extra comments to. But if I load a file that actually has added code, like this:

CHIP Not {
    IN in;
    OUT out;

    // Put your code here:
    out = not in;

I get the error. I have tried two system configurations:
1. Windows 10, using Notepad as an editor (saves in ANSI format)
2. CentOs 7, using vi

Please advise!
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Re: Chip out is not found in the working and built in folders

2607 posts
This is not HDL syntax.

Hint: you need to use a Nand gate in the PARTS: section.

Read the Hardware Construction Survival Kit and look at the Xor.hdl example in Chapter 1, figure 1.6 for examples of HDL.

The details of the HDL language are in Appendix A.
