Computer Games

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Computer Games

I am wondering if the other members of this community, including the instructors, have heard of and how they feel about the Zachtronics games like TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O. Are they fun, educational, or both? TIS-100 looks like something that would be a natural way to practice the principles we learned in Part I of Nand2Tetris.
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Re: Computer Games

I've played TIS-100. I also have Shenzhen, but didn't have the time for it yet.

They are both fun and interesting puzzles, but I don't think they have too much in common with nand2tetris.
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Re: Computer Games

In reply to this post by tamtam
A year or so ago I worked my way through Kohctpyktop (Constructor) and quite enjoyed it.
I've always meant to check out some of their other games, but life has been busy...
