I am not too sure what is stopping my ALU implementation from loading onto the hardware simulator. Here is what I have:
Mux16(a=x, b=false, sel=zx, out=outzx);
Not16(in=outzx, out=outnotzx);
Mux16(a=outzx, b=outnotzx, sel=nx, out=outzxnx);
Mux16(a=y, b=false, sel=zy, out=outzy);
Not16(in=outzy, out=outnotzy);
Mux16(a=outzy, b=outnotzy, sel=ny, out=outzyny);
And16(a=outzyny, b=outzxnx, out=outyandx);
Add16(a=outzyny, b=outzxnx, out=outyaddx);
Mux16(a=outyandx, b=outyaddx, sel=f, out=outf);
Not16(in=outf, out=outnotf);
Mux16(a=outf, b=outnotf, sel=no, out=out);
Mux16(a=outf, b=outnotf, sel=no, out=outno);
Not16(in=outno, out=notoutno);
And(a=outno[15], b=outno[15], out=ng);
CumAnd16 is just a chip I made to and together 16 bits and that loads fine onto the simulator. Any help would be greatly appreciated ! :)