Confused why MUX implementation is not working:

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Confused why MUX implementation is not working:

I am not sure if its that the logic is wrong or that I am making some syntax errors, but the file does not seem to load onto the hardware simulator and I am unsure what is wrong.
Here is the implementation:
And(a=a, b=b, out=AandB);
And(sel=sel, b=b, out=BandSel);
Not(in=b, out=NotB);
Not(in=sel, out=NotSel);
And(a=NotSel, b=NotB, out=NotSelNotB);
And(a=a, b=NotSelNotB, out=out1);
Or(a=BandSel, b=AandB, out=out2);
Or(a=out2, b=out1, out=out);

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Re: Confused why MUX implementation is not working:

In your second line you are connecting a signal to the 'sel' pin of an And gate.

Does an And gate have a 'sel' pin?