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Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

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Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

29 posts
This post was updated on Nov 19, 2019; 11:30pm.
to solve the Mux4way16, i first created this switch:

[CODE REMOVED by poster]

Then, to create the Mux4Way16 I connected this ^ device's 4 single outputs to four, AND16-gates, with the 4 data buses, respectively: here is the resulting verbose code(successful):

[CODE REMOVED by poster]

How do I more concisely say "hook up select0, to each line in the b-bus"? I couldn't get b=select0 or b[0]..b[15]=select0 to work, because select0 is a single line, not a 16-bit bus.
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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

182 posts
It's been a long time since I answered those questions, so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

I think you're overcomplicating things.. not to say that you're wrong per say, but the Mux4Way16 can be implemented with only 3, 16 bit chips..

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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

182 posts
Also again if i remember the rules for connecting buses vs pins are slightly different...Do you have the easy solution and are just trying to experiment with a more complicated system to test, say, buses and the hardware simulator?

All the best...
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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

29 posts
In reply to this post by Lozminda
And in that 3-chip solution, you don't have to hook the single select lines to an entire 16-bit bus? That's where the code gets bloated.
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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

8 posts
In the solution Lozminda nodded to (I think haha) there is no need to connect each of the 16-bit bus lines to any of select bits - actually you don't have to split buses at all!
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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

21 posts
This is one of the things confusing me.

I couldn't believe how simple the real solution was.

It almost feels cheating.

How can a Mux4Way16 be easier to code than an or gate using nands?

I feel this is one area the book could do with strengthening - no where does it make it obvious how to connect multiple buses, as soon as you see the solution or an example you get it.
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Re: Connecting 1 common wire to all bus members

29 posts
In reply to this post by svajoklis
Yeah, in a later unit, when i was thinking about the big picture, I realized that you could connect the data line to all registers without a dmux, and it wouldn't matter, since the load wasn't enabled for any of those other registers.