DMux4Way with the "CRCP2330 Class 7 Sep 9" video method?

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DMux4Way with the "CRCP2330 Class 7 Sep 9" video method?

In the video (, password CRCP), the TA explains that you can take the trusth table one line at a time and write the boolean expression that matches every line for which the output is 1.

How can I apply this to chips that have 16 bits inputs or multiple outputs like the DMux4Way for example?
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Re: DMux4Way with the "CRCP2330 Class 7 Sep 9" video method?

wetFence wrote
In the video (, password CRCP), the TA explains that you can take the trusth table one line at a time and write the boolean expression that matches every line for which the output is 1.

How can I apply this to chips that have 16 bits inputs or multiple outputs like the DMux4Way for example?
This is explaining how to directly convert a truth table into the canonical expression for a Boolean function. What you need to do for a chip that has multiple outputs is to develop one expression for each output. In effect, each output has its own truth table. The DMux4Way will need 4 different expressions.

Logic circuits quickly become too complex to mechanically derive from truth tables, so you need to start thinking about how to use the chips that you have already made and tested to build your more complex chips. For instance, think about how you can use 3 DMux chips to make DMux4Way.

The 16 bit chips like Not16 are just 16 Not parts gathered together in a single chip. For more complex 16 bit chips like Mux4Way16, it's best to use simpler 16 bit parts to make them. Once you've figured out how to make DMux4Way with 3 DMux chips, you should see how you can use 3 Mux16 chips to make Mux4Way16.
