DMux8Way sel error

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DMux8Way sel error

Hi - great book!!

While working through project 1, I noticed that the test script for DMux8Way only has 2 bits for the output of the select field instead of 3. The .cmp file has the same 'error' (otherwise the test wouldn't pass)


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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Oh, the irony.
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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Joel Healy
In reply to this post by seye
Hi - I agree (great book!!)

I discovered the same error in January 2012 and found your post.  I guess there's not much activity on the site.  Oh, well.


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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Oh, and still, there is this output!
I'm wondering how this could happen, if everything is implemented as "BlackBox"?
the output on the "debugger" site is still correct.
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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Yeah I had the same problem. I still wonder if that's not a trick the professors made so that you now know you can't rely on third party tests but should instead always follow you own test.
As a matter of fact, I did my own tests and the DMux8Way works as expected!

By the way, how did you tackle the Mux4Way16? I created first a Mux4Way and then repeat it for 16 times for the Mux4way16. I also made my own And4way rather than using 3 And all the time. Or am I implementing very bad??

All together I'm happy as just finished chapter 1, hurray!

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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Corrected DMux8Way.tst and DMux8Way.cmp are available from this post.

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Re: DMux8Way sel error

In reply to this post by fabiog
fabiog wrote
By the way, how did you tackle the Mux4Way16? I created first a Mux4Way and then repeat it for 16 times for the Mux4way16. I also made my own And4way rather than using 3 And all the time. Or am I implementing very bad??
Search for Mux4Way16 in the forum and there are lots of hints on how to build it with a few Mux16s.

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Re: DMux8Way sel error

Thanks Mark, I figured it out how to do it with 3 Mux chips!