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Dmux4Way problem

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Dmux4Way problem

7 posts

I have made it as far as the DMux4Way, but have encountered a problem. My implementation of the chip refuses to load for some reason. It won't load directly, or via the .tst script. The simulator offers no helpful comments - the screen just remains blank. Other chips I have completed load just fine.

Any ideas?

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Re: Dmux4Way problem

7 posts
Alright. Stupid mistake. Was syntax-failing !

I was doing Dmux(blah blah..... out = a,b)

instead of DMux(blah blah......a=a, b=b)

Back to more internets...

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Re: Dmux4Way problem

2607 posts
Depending on your screen configuration, the status line at the bottom of the simulator window can be hidden.  If you load something and it looks like nothing happened, it may help to move the window up.  The best way to do this is using the keyboard since it lets you move the window farther (on Windows, at least).

Alt+space, M, up-arrows  will let you move the window up and see the status bar.  The window will jump back down if you hit enter or nudge the mouse.

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Re: Dmux4Way problem

7 posts
Ah, sweet! Thanks. Just finished the DMux8Way. Same logic as creating the 4-way. On to chapter 2!

This book is pretty excellent.