Error in Mac installation instructions

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Error in Mac installation instructions

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Hi I just installed on my mac and the instructions say "Once the terminal window appears, type the following:

~/Desktop/tecs-software-suite-2.5/ &"

After downloading the file which is just a folder called "nand2tetris", the address to type into the terminal window is incorrect. There is no folder called "tech-software-suite-2.5" because the folder that downloads is called "nand2tetris".  It appears in a number of places in these instructions.

It worked after I changed it to "~/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/ &"
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Re: Error in Mac installation instructions

I had the same experience.

my path was different;

~/Desktop/nand2tetris/tools/ &

This worked for the other applications as well, just change the app name, I.E. "" becomes "" or "" etc.

hope that helps others.

Mike Pett

"Dads learn to care for babies the same way new mothers do –– with hands-on experimentation." Attachment Parenting Book - Chapter 12 Attachment Fathering - DR. William Sears and Martha Sears R.N.