FillAutomatic.tst fails but Fill.asm seems to do what it's supposed to

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FillAutomatic.tst fails but Fill.asm seems to do what it's supposed to

The screen goes black when any key is down, and white when no key is down. But the FillAutomatic test fails when changing to black. Am I okay to continue to the next chapter since the program does what it's supposed to do? Or should I get this test passed first? Been on it for weeks now tinkering to no avail.
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Re: FillAutomatic.tst fails but Fill.asm seems to do what it's supposed to

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The test has a limit on how long it will wait for the desired result, so if your program is too slow it can fail the test. Also, the test doesn't look for ALL of the pixels to be the right color -- that would take too long. Instead, it tests specific pixels, including some that are often missed. So your screen might LOOK all black, bit if one of the corner pixels is white, it will fail.
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Re: FillAutomatic.tst fails but Fill.asm seems to do what it's supposed to

In reply to this post by burge91
I just realised the problem. I was calling my different versions Fill1, Fill2 etc. But the test scripts load the Fill.asm file only. So I was testing old files rather than the new ones. Works now. Thanks for letting me voice it anyway.
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Re: FillAutomatic.tst fails but Fill.asm seems to do what it's supposed to

Glad you found it. Sometimes just talking through an issue is enough to let you see an unrelated mistake.