Grey Screen of Nothing when Attempting to launch.

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Grey Screen of Nothing when Attempting to launch.

Hi all, I'm running XMonad on Arch Linux, java -version is 1.6.0_22, on a 64-bit system. I get a grey screen of nothing when I launch ./ (actually, I just checked, and I get a grey screen of nothing from any of the .sh files, minus the JackCompiler). No error messages, running the command from the script with -verbose added doesn't help, 'tis just a big list of Loaded messages. I can pastebin it if you want.

I suspect this is some sort of path issue, or some sort of issue with this being run in a TWM, but I have no clue how to proceed as I haven't really delved into the java world more than what I've absolutely had to ;)

Any help? Other info needed?
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Re: Grey Screen of Nothing when Attempting to launch.

In case anyone runs into a similar problem, here's an explanation of what's going on and how to fix it:

Java's default UI toolkit doesn't handle non-reparenting window managers (like XMonad) correctly. It has some special behavior that is triggered when the WM reports it's name as one of the non-reparenting WMs that it recognizes (which is a hardcoded list somewhere...). XMonad is not on that list.

As a workaround, I added something like the following to my xmonad.hs:

import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName (setWMName)


myKeys = conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) =
  [ ((modm, xK_z), setWMName "LG3D") -- LG3D is in java's list of non-reparenting WMs
  , ((modm, xK_Z), setWMName "XMonad")

I can now actually launch stuff! Looks like I'll be able to follow the book without a problem (knock on wood...)
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Re: Grey Screen of Nothing when Attempting to launch.

I just thought I'd add I have this same issue on my netbook -- I am able to fix it by simply un-maximizing the window.

I don't know why that works but the Ubuntu Netbook defaults to auto-maximizing everything and TECS just won't work for me when the window is maximized.