I highly recommend Logicly (available online, or as a native Mac or Windows app). It's really easy to use, easy enough for kids, and a lot of fun. You have to manually lay out the logic gates yourself, but honestly, most HDL files are so simple that it's trivial to hand-design them in Logicly. In fact, I recommend the opposite approach: design first in Logicly where you can graphically see if you have the logic right (light bulbs light up!), then hand-write in HDL when you know it works.
Once you have a chip designed in Logicly, you can package it as a chip and re-use it in other chips.
I actually used Logicly to design the entire Hack computer (see my other post:
logicly). It was tedious, but I did it, and I'm glad I did, because I learned a lot of nuances I never would have learned otherwise.
But even if you don't design the entire computer, certainly using it for the beginning sets of chips would be enormously useful.