Hardware Simulator 2.5 Formatting(?) Issue

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Hardware Simulator 2.5 Formatting(?) Issue

When I open the hardware simulator the screen is extremely small. Even if I maximize the window the actual work area of the window remains extremely small. I cannot even click inside the text box so something is not right. I have the correct version of Java downloaded so I am not sure what is wrong.
 I included a picture to show what it looks like.

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Re: Hardware Simulator 2.5 Formatting(?) Issue

It looks like you're using one of these HiDPI displays (also commonly referred to as 4K or Retina in the Apple world). The problem is, that Java doesn't support them well yet. It looks like that proper support will be available with Java 9, which should be released on June 27, 2017.

There are pre-release versions already, but when I tried it on Linux and the CPUEmulator never started and the JVM just crashed. Hopefully you'll have a better luck.

The other issue is, that the UI isn't resizable. That's why maximizing the window doesn't change things. Fixing this requires quite a lot of work on the current tools.